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Option Chains

The option chains present a scaled-down version of the full-featured OptionTrader. The Option Chains are designed to fit into the smaller Mosaic workspace while still providing relevant option chain data and trading capability. Use the Strategy Builder to create complex, multi-leg option combos from within the Option Chain window.

To open an Option Chain

The Option Chain opens populated with options on the selected underlying.

To create an option order using the Option Chain

1.  Click the Ask or Bid price for a call or put.

Note:  Calls are on the left, puts are on the right. Once you click a bid or ask price the order displays in the Order Entry window.

2.  In the Order Entry window, modify the option price, quantity and order type as needed.

3.  Click Submit to send the order, or click Advanced to check the margin impact, save the order or attach a hedge or other advanced order attribute.